The decision to transform your dated Indianapolis bathroom into your very own custom spa is exciting, but don’t take the decision lightly. Before you decide on bathroom remodeling, my team and I at Indy Renovations recommend that you ask yourself a few questions.
1. What’s your budget?
Before you dream of a custom vanity or marble floors, you need to set your budget. Determine what’s realistic, and avoid putting so much into the space that you’ll never get a solid return on your investment.
2. How do you envision the finished product?
What are your dreams or goals for bathroom remodeling? Are you wanting to change paint color and flooring, or are you hoping to install a custom shower or expand the space? Make a wish list. When you meet with your bathroom remodeler, go over all your ideas for the space to see what can be done within your budget.
3. How long do you plan to stay in the house?
Don’t make custom updates to a home if you don’t plan to stay there long-term. You want to choose bathroom-remodeling features that appeal to wide audiences so your home appeals to buyers. However, if you’re in your forever home, then you can take more liberties with special features and bathroom design.
4. Can you get a good return on your investment?
Never put so much money into bathroom remodeling that you’ll never see a return if you sell. Do some research, or talk to a local real-estate professional, to see which features make your home marketable now and in the future.
When you’ve asked yourself these questions, you’re ready to begin searching for bathroom-remodeling contractors in the Indianapolis area.
Be sure to include Indy Renovation in your search for a bathroom remodeler. We’ve received the Consumer’s Choice Award for the Best Bathroom Remodeler in Indianapolis for the last five years. You know that our team of expert remodelers and plumbers can help you create a modern, high-quality bathroom. To schedule a free consultation, contact us at Indy Renovation at (317) 375-4464.
photo credit: subway and sea glass via photopin (license)